Tennis Ladder Rules
Here is an explanation of the major rules on the MP Tennis Ladder
- The higher seed at the time of the challenge has home court. It doesn’t matter who makes the challenge. The lower seed brings the balls.
- Players can challenge anyone within 20 spots of their current position, above or below. Players must still be within 20 when the match is confirmed online. Once confirmed, players have five days to report a score, regardless of other matches that may have moved them outside of 20 spots. After five days, the challenge expires and can only be reissued if the players are still within 20 when confirming it. Should either player get bumped and end up out of range, the challenge will no longer be valid.
- Players are to issue all challenges via phone, text or email and use the challenge button online once a match has been agreed upon. Players challenged online do not have to accept the challenge.
- The season is broken down into “Bump Down Periods” of two (sometimes three) weeks. Any player who doesn’t get at least one match reported during a Bump Down will be dropped to the bottom of their ladder. Deadline to report scores is at 6am on the Monday of the Bump. All scores reported at that time will count toward that bumpdown. Bump down dates can be found on the standings page and above the ladder log in page.
- A match can only be defaulted for no-shows or cancellation within 24 hours of the scheduled match time. All defaults must be called into MP Tennis at 813-961-8844 for verification. Defaults reported online will be deleted. Defaults do not count as a match played toward the Bump Down for the defaulted player.
- Matches interrupted by weather or other issues must be completed before another match can be played. Players can, by mutual agreement, decide not to complete the match.
- Players unable to play due to injury or other reasons can request to be put on the injured list. Once able to play, they can challenge anyone up to the spot they last held, but no higher. If they win, the re-enter the ladder at the spot of the person they beat. If they lose, they will start back at the bottom of the ladder. The “Temporarily Leave Ladder ” option is not to be used. Players using this option will be placed on the injured list and will have to challenge back onto the ladder.
For a video explaining the challenge protocol, CLICK HERE
Complete MP Tennis Ladder Rules
- All ladders are co-ed singles. Levels – A Ladder = 4.5 and up; B Ladder = 4.5 and down.
- Two seasons a year, spring and fall.
- Entry fee is $25 in store or $30 online.
- Ladders have open signups all season except for the final two weeks of the season.
- End of season tournaments to be held for the top players on each ladder. Draw sizes are determined by ladder size.
- Prizes are given to the champion and runner-up of each ladder.
- Ladders are open to men and women 16 years and older.
- Matches are best 2 of 3 sets with a 12 point tiebreaker at six all. Players can play a best of 5 if mutually agreed to before the match starts.
- U.S.T.A rules govern all on court play.
- Higher seed at the time of the challenge has home court. The lower seed brings the balls.
- Players can challenge anyone within 20 spots, above or below. Players must still be within 20 when the match is locked in online.
- Once a match is agreed upon, players will confirm the match online, locking the match in.
- Players will have five days from the time the match is confirmed to report the score. After five days, the challenge will expire and can only be reissued if the players are still within 20 spots.
- During the five day period, players can move outside of 20 spots due to other activity and still play the match unless out of range due to bump down.
- Scores must be reported within 24 hours of match completion. In addition, matches must be reported in the order played. Out of order scores will be deleted. It is the responsibility of both players to make sure scores are reported.
- If the lower seed wins, they will take the spot of the higher seed. If they lose, no movement will occur.
- A challenged player should offer two reasonable days/times for the match unless they have a match already scheduled. Players should issue challenges via phone, text or email to make it easier to set up match times/places.
- Defaults are given for no-shows or cancelling within 24 hours of the scheduled match time. Defaults must be called into MP Tennis for confirmation. Defaults reported online will be deleted.
- Defaulted matches do not count toward the Bump Down for the person being defaulted.
- All matches must be locked in in order to be reported.
- Scores must be reported online by 6am on the Monday of the Bump down. All scores reported by that time will count toward that bump down (having a match locked in does not protect you from being bumped down).
- Any player without a match played during a Bump Down will be dropped to the bottom of their ladder.
- Players must wait 21 days before playing the same person again.
- Players must have at least 8 matches played in order to be eligible for the playoffs. Playoff draw sizes are based on the number of active players on the ladder.
- Players reporting fraudulent scores will be dropped to the bottom of their ladder. A second incident will result in removal from the ladder without refund.
- Players unable to play can request to be placed on the injured list. To re-enter the ladder, players can challenge anyone up to the spot they last held (no higher). If they win, they re-enter the ladder at the spot of the person they beat. If they lose, they will re-enter at the bottom of the ladder. The TennisRungs “Temporarily Leave Ladder ” option is not to be used. Players who use the “Temporary Leave” option will be put on the injured list and will have to challenge back onto the ladder.
- Any player using the “Drop from ladder” option is removing themselves from the ladder. Those players will only be added back on request and at the bottom of their ladder.
- Players winning the B ladder must play a full season (minimum 8 matches) on the A Ladder in their next season. The decision on returning to the B Ladder in future seasons will be at the discretion of MP Tennis.
- Final decision regarding the appropriate levels is at the discretion of MP Tennis.
- Any player found to be playing an inappropriate level will be moved up to a more appropriate level.
- Solicitation for any non-ladder purpose is prohibited, as is sending out bulk emails for any reason. Anyone soliciting for non-ladder purposes will be removed from the ladder.